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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


"The Secret" Works In Business As Well

The vast popularity of the newly released book entitled "The Secret" has validated the enormous interest in concepts that will help individuals get what they want. Readers learn that the secret is the understanding of the force of The Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is simple to learn and powerful to practice. It begins with the understanding (and acceptance) of the scientific principle that energy attracts like energy. Since our thoughts are energy, we actually attract what we think about, what we focus on. If we focus on positive things we get positive results. Negative thoughts lead to negative results. These results can be as simple as finding parking places or as complex as relationships. In every event, results begin with thoughts. Thoughts are the beginning of virtually every action and we can control these actions by these thoughts.
The Law of Attraction is not new. It has been discussed for years, sometimes under different names or descriptions, but the concept hasn't changed for centuries. That said, the popularity of the new book and its contents overwhelming considering the number of sales of the book since its release.
Interestingly enough, The Law of Attraction plays an important role in business and customer service as well. When understood and applied organizations can completely redefine their cultures for the better.
The Law of Attraction in business works like this: when you peel back the layers of any business you get to the core. At the core are certain beliefs and certain values. This value system drives the decisions at the very highest level of the business. Beginning with the CEO, the values of that individual are made clear by that person's actions; what they say, how they speak of their employees, customers, family, competition, beliefs, etc. As they grow and move up the ladder they become directly responsible for the recruitment of hi-level subordinates who will work closely with them. The Law of Attraction states that they will attract "like" people. Look around and you'll see this validated every day. People with similar values and beliefs will become attracted to them. Similarly, those with conflicting values will not be comfortable in the environment and they will leave.
These values (the energy) expand as growth occurs. The executives attract managers with similar values and beliefs and the managers attract similar employees. The culture becomes defined even to the point of attracting similar customers! The company, in affect, can actually determine the type of customer they want to attract based upon the practice of The Law of Attraction.
Look around at the companies with whom you do business. Low energy organizations are likely to be led by lower-energy leaders, perhaps with value systems based upon their personal motives and desires. Their leadership values become clear and the people they recruit quickly recognize that their "leader" is out primarily for himself so they become ambivalent and de-energized. You can guess the type of people THEY attract.
Look then at business leaders who are energized and values-focused. They attract similar managers and employees who likewise attract in the same manner. As customers detect this energy they are drawn to it. This is The Law of Attraction.
Are you happy with the employees and customers that YOUR company attracts? It can change... but it must come from the top

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