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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Going green at home is something everyone who watches television has probably heard plenty about. However, going green at the office is a relatively uncommon topic, and yet many companies in the U.S. are taking step to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases that affect global warming.

The best part is, you can quickly and easily do your part to green your office with just a few simple tips. They don't take much time, but they will make a world of difference.

The areas you can focus on in the office are plentiful, but here are 3 that can get you started. They involve your office air conditioning and heater settings, office lighting and office equipment use.

1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy offer staggering reports and suggestions on temperature control and lighting. You can save as much as $150 every year in energy costs by installing a programmable thermostat.

This apparatus allows you to set the temperature for when the office is closed and when it opens, and for when there is a higher flow of traffic or no traffic on the weekends. In turn, you will be setting your temperature according to office hour factors.

Constant raising and lowering of temperature makes your air conditioning and heating units run overtime which can also cost you. So, once you have programmed your thermostat, don't touch it!

2. Replace Light Bulbs

According to the EPA, using ENERGY STAR qualified light bulbs use 75% less energy than their run of the mill counterparts. They also last 10 times longer and produce 75% less heat which will reduce cooling costs.

By changing out the lights you are currently using, you should see an immediate change in your electric bill, even if it is just a few dollars. And chances are, your savings will be a lot more than that.

3. Check Office Equipment

Some questions you should ask yourself are:Computers, copiers, printers and fax machines suck up the most energy in an office and are oftentimes left on 24 hours, 7 days a week.

In 2007, qualifications for office equipment to be rated with the ENERGY STAR changed, which should lead you to consider trading up on older models. ENERGY STAR equipment on average are 25% more efficient, power down automatically when they are not being used, print double sided to reduce paper waste and run cooler yet again saving you on cooling costs.

Unplugging equipment will also save your office on energy. If something is not in use or over the weekend, unplug your machines. It will only take you an extra 30 seconds to go around the office to unplug machines that are not currently in use. It is a simple solution to keep your electric meter outside from rotating.

Try it out. Go outside and look at how fast your meter is going around. Now go back into your office and unplug you equipment. Then, run back outside and check your meter again. You will notice a considerable difference by simply pulling plugs when you are not using the machines they are hooked up to.

Implementing these steps will show off your "Green Wisdom" and it's basic stuff you do at home; turning things off when you are not using them and replacing the old with newer, more energy efficient products.

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